Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Beautiful brown to snowy white

Josh wants me to start posting again.  I'm going to have to get into the habit for he CSA blog, so I guess I might as well start now, since it seems like the kids might sleep past 6:30 this morning.

The weather here (until yesterday) has been beautiful.  We've been without snow for about 2 weeks and dry for about one week.  With the nice weather came the end of cabin fever and my desire to get a three kids outside as much as possible.  It's been a lot of fun playing and working outside.  It's been a learning curve with Jeremiah (for both him and me), since he wants to put EVERYTHING in his mouth.  The other kids were not this bad.  He's so funny.  He doesn't like the taste of brown grass and makes a face every time he puts it in his mouth, but he keeps doing it.  I finally found a solution, one pair of Johnny's gloves that he seems to have a hard time getting off and he's given into the fact that he has to wear them (at least while Mom isn't sitting right with him).

Yesterday we got snow and cold and wind.  So I suppose I'll have to get the snow pants out again when it warms up and before the snow melts so the kids can have one last hurrah with the snow.

We spent Easter at Mom and Dad's.  It was like driving into and out of a muddy snow globe (compared to our house).  We had a lot of fun there.  Lu Lu especially loves watching the cows and Johnny wants to help do everything.

I especially love the lighting outside this time of year, so I've been taking lots of close-ups of the kids.  I have a lot of fun doing it and they like to look at themselves on the computer.:)  You'll have to check them out on snapfish when I get them uploaded.

We've been going down to the pond.  Cedar loves to play fetch in the water and the kids love watching her. We went down with our rubber boots one day, before we even got there, John a Lu wanted to play in a puddle.  Lu had been standing in the puddle for about 5 seconds before she lost her balance and landed on her butt in the middle of the 5 inch deep water.  Needless to say she was soaked and crying.  Just then Josh came by on the 4 wheeler and saved the day with a swimming comment.  Lu Lu thought it was a good idea and instead of wanting to go to the house to change, she decided to go the rest of the way to the pond.  (She was pretty cold by the time we went inside to take a warm bath:-)

We've been talking about putting steel on the garage roof for a while and since we finally have the money (and time) and the steel was on a really good sale last week, we started to do it.  Josh relaxed on the roof after he finished the wood.  Johnny was inspecting the project.  If the weather is nice this weekend, we'll start with the steel

Johnny is our big helper.  He wants to do everything with us.  He's very good at folding clothes, helping Dad outside, feeding Cedar, drying dishes, and gathering eggs.  He loves to play outside.  He's a fast runner and good kicker, thrower, and catcher.  If he can't help Daddy, he's got to find some "work" of his own.  Here he's digging out rocks in the driveway while Daddy's on the roof.

Lu Lu wants to do everything herself.  If I ask her to throw a diaper in the garbage, but she doesn't do it right away, I'll (or Johnny'll) just do it.  She gets mad and takes it out and throws it back in saying, "My do it!  My do it!"  She does this with picking up toys too.  Lu Lu likes to help out with everything that Johnny does, but she's not quite as good yet, so when we're folding clothes, her pile is just a pile.  I have to fold it and put it away quickly so she doesn't see that I redid it and say "My do it!"  It's nice to have her at least sort her clothes out of clean laundry.  She's very good at throwing away garbage and putting dirty laundry in the basket.  She is a very good talker.  She can tell lots of stories and plays pretend very well.  She is always playing house, being a good mommy to her baby doll or cooking us supper.

Jeremiah is growing fast.  He is now pulling himself up to a stand on everything.  Last night he took his first step while holding onto Daddy's hands.  Johnny says "that's a big step".  (He's up now, helping me write the post and pick out the pictures.)  Jeremiah isn't talking much, everything is still babble, except sometimes he looks at me and says "Mamamamama"  He loves to be outside and he loves to put everything in his mouth.  I am constantly vacuuming the floor.  He loves all his food blended.  I make him fruit or veggies mixed with regular oatmeal in the blender.  He likes cheerios.  We keep trying other foods for him to chew, but he can't quite get them into small enough pieces to swallow yet.  He loves playing with Johnny and Lu and destroying their toys (John's block buildings and Lu Lu's set supper table).

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