After "Clifford" today (we always watch Clifford on PBS before the kid's afternoon naps...It gives me a chance to sit down and sometimes even get a little catnap), I put both kids down. They both cried (well Johnny whined and pounded on is door saying "Mommy"). After all was silent, I checked on Lu Lu to make sure her blanket wasn't over her face. She loves sleeping with a blankie (she's not attached to any One yet...nice so I can wash them regularly), but also loves to suck on it, so sometimes I find it over her mouth which makes me a little nervous. Anyway, she was good. When I checked on Johnny, I found that I couldn't even open his door far enough to go inside, because he had fallen asleep right there with his blankie and "tactohr" (tractor). I squeezed in and laid him on his bed. Too Cute!
I'm browning burger for our Sr. Supper and Baccalaureate practice at the church tonight. I only had one RSVP from the 10 grads. I hope more show up!
Next, I'm out to weed our little strawberry bed by the house. I have a feeling it'll seem even smaller after we start to weed the big one we just planted!
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