Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Johnny spent one evening earlier this week "cahlr, cahlr" (coloring) Mother's Day cards for his Grandma's.  He had a lot of fun!  He even got to put some pooh bear stickers on them.  (If you haven't gotten yours yet, it's in the mail.  I'm still not used to the delay in MN mail.  It is only overnight delivery within ND.)

We had a wonderful, relaxing day here at home.  Josh made pancakes for brunch (and even washed the dishes!:) and he roasted hot dogs over a campfire for us for supper.  Then we took a 4-wheeler ride in the West side of our pasture.  We decided not to rent it out this year.  It's going to be a lot of fun going out there for rides!

The weather was beautiful today!  After the kids got up from their naps, we all spent the afternoon outside together.  Johnny LOVES playing outside and Lu Lu even likes it out there.

We needed just a day to relax after the crazy busy, hardworking weekend!  We got a huge box of bare-root strawberry plants on Thursday...So Thursday night we started planting 700 strawberries in a 100ft x 50ft bed that Josh tilled up in the pasture last fall.  Friday morning I had a dentist appointment.  (All good-no cavities and my wisdom teeth don't need to come out as of now...Yeah!)  So Josh started in planting again, while me and Lu Lu were in Bismarck at the dentist and picking up our 110 butcher chicks.  That afternoon while the kids napped, Josh and I finished planting and mulching the strawberry rows.  Wow!  I haven't felt that soar and worn out in a LONG time!

On Saturday we planted a bunch of seeds and the rest of our potatoes in the gardens.  We will have 5 vegetable gardens this year plus some "rows" of dry beans.  (The dry bean rows will be converted to raspberry rows next spring.)

What a cute picture from earlier this week!

Lu Lu sees an angel!

"Johnny!  No headlocks on girls!"

Cedar playing ball in our "West" pasture while the kids napped today.

We planted peas in this pasture garden and the strawberries are in the back (mulched in straw).

The chicken pen (planted in oats for the hens to eat in about a month) in the foreground, then a row of asparagus, a small strawberry bed, and some rows of raspberries-freshly mulched with straw.  You can see the movable laying-hen pen in the background in our orchard.  It's amazing how nice the grass is out there after a year of moving chickens through it.  The grass looks nicer than our lawn by the house.  The trees are growing out there like crazy.  We just moved the laying hen chicks out there this week.  They seem to really like eating down the new grass everyday.  I spent the mornings this week weeding these rows of raspberries, strawberries, and asparagus while Johnny played near me and Lu Lu slept inside.

Johnny loves the swing he got for his birthday last year.

Daddy and Johnny going for a ride.  "Vroom Vroom!"

Olue really liked it outside today!

Johnny in the barrel.  Watch the video to see how he got in there.

Cedar thinks Lu Lu can throw the ball for her.

Johnny in the lawn "chteer".

Mommy and Lu Lu enjoying the backyard.

This spring the weather has been pretty crazy!  Last weekend we were under a Blizzard Warning and Tonight we are in a Tornado Watch.

Videos to come later....

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