So you can see how our mornings go with two little ones! It can be pretty crazy around here.
Olue's hair is kinda crazy. It was in pigtails yesterday and when I took it out last night it kinda stayed that way.
We started VBS (Vacation Bible School) yesterday. It's always interesting to see how events like this go at the church. I had pre-registration and as of last Friday, we only had 20 kids signed up. When it was all said and done with, we had 34 kids (Preschool-5th grade) show up last night...Wow! I sure hadn't thought that many would come. I think we only had 17 come last year. Last summer was the first summer in quite a few years that our parish has had VBS. The kids (of all parishes in our community) had been going to VBS at the Lutheran Church in town. One of our friends (who used to be a kindergarten teacher) had put on this community wide VBS. This year she doesn't plan on doing it, so that might be why we had the big increase in kids.
It's events like VBS that make me very happy that I didn't follow my youthful desire of being a school teacher. I love my children, but I am not a big fan of large groups of kids the same age gathered in the same room (especially if some of them are naughty!). John isn't either. We've spent a lot of time in the last two weeks at the church preparing for this week. John has been a pretty good boy. He plays with the toys he finds in the supply closet and watches Noah's Ark (numerous times). Anyway, when the kids started to show up for VBS yesterday and his normally quite, empty church started to fill up with noisy rowdy children, John got clingy real fast. He just wanted his Mommy. He would go with Ashley or Josie every once in a while, but as soon as he saw me walk past, he would want Mommy again. (Ashley is Darcy and Karen's oldest daughter and Josie is Mike and Dana's oldest daughter. They have both watched Johnny for us.)
Our first night of VBS went fairly well. I guess. Laura and I figured out the changes to make for next year to make it easier (since she might not be back next year to help). We have 3 more nights this week, and then I'll have a little break before I start planning for next school year.
Here's another video of trying to get Olue to roll. You can hear Johnny in the background. He's pretty cute. He can say so many words now! His new ones are, "Wow!" and "Cool!" We still hear a lot of the classic, "Autside" (outside) and "Tactohr" (tractor).
In the mornings we always have this conversation:
John: "Daddy?"
Mom: "Daddy is at work."
John: "Car?"
Mom: "Yep, Daddy drove his car to work."
John: "Daddy Car Vrrrooohm"
The conversation is a lot shorter on the weekends when Josh is home:
John: "Daddy?"
Mom: "Daddy is at home. Where do you think he is?"
Johnny then giggles and runs to Mom and Dad's room and finds Daddy growling at him from bed.
It's either been rainy or windy this last week, so not a lot has happened outside in the gardens. The lawn has grown like crazy since we got about 4 inches of rain on Friday/Saturday. Josh and John got a load of wood chips for my flower beds on Friday, so now I have to empty the truck out before this weekend, when Josh will need to get another load of feed for the butcher chicks. They eat a LOT of feed. They are still looking really healthy. We're really thankful for that, especially since about every other day, someone calls to order chickens. I canned 13 pints of rhubarb this weekend. It was already going to seed! We have two more weeks til our first CSA deliver. We're hoping that it warms up enough to have more than just rhubarb, asparagus and chives in the first basket.