Monday, October 14, 2013

Moving is Hard

So today is another one of those long Mondays.  Not because the kids are naughty.  They are actually doing really well today.  But because moving is hard.  I'm sad.  I didn't think we'd ever get here...2 weeks away from moving.  It always seemed so far away that it would never come.  But now it seems too close.  I'm going to miss New Salem.  Johnny's sad too.  It's hard to comfort him when I'm crying too.  (Being pregnant doesn't help that either.)  Lu Lu is excited though.  When I was trying to make Johnny feel better by telling him all the good things about moving, Lu Lu was so excited she was jumping up and down yelling yeah.
Josh and I spent the first 5 years of our married life here together.  We have a lot of memories and friends and places and church and an awesome small town community that we will really miss.
And it's scary too.  Our lives are going to be very different.
I just got a phone call and now I'm done being weepy.  Anyway.  Josh feels the same about moving.  This is what he told me in an email this morning:
I feel the same way about moving.  Sad.  It is the end of a fun and educational part of our life.  The next chapter is going to be a lot different, but I think in the long run will be much better for our family.  The unknown part about moving is scary and that wont change until the move is over and we are settled in.
He's always good at making me feel better.:)
I suppose I better switch out my load of laundry.  We're selling the dryer tomorrow, so I'm washing all the sheets one more time.  I'm not exactly sure what we'll do when it's gone since my clothes pins are already packed and it's been crazy windy or raining for the last week or so.  I guess we'll just have wet clothes hanging all over the dining room chairs for the next two weeks:).  Maybe we'll just do what the boys always tease about and turn our underware inside-out, so there's less to wash and dry;-).

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