Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Fall!

We celebrated fall on the 21st.  We carved pumpkins, made and ate carmel apples & chocolate cupcakes with orange frosting, ate Halloween candy, (got tummy aches from too much sugar;),  played football outside, went for a long walk in the pasture around the four wheeler trail, and took a drive in the country looking for deer, but finding LOTS of phesants instead (on posted land of course).  It was a fun day after a hard weekend of work...Cleaning out, tilling and spreading manure on the gardens.

We spent last weekend at Mom and Dad's.  They are done harvesting, so it was nice to see Josh and Dad in and out of the yard working on various projects (like getting the cows into the harvested fields...fixing fence, picking flint corn, and moving bales).

Carving pumpkins...

Jeremiah's pumpkin looks bigger than him!

Lu Lu's "Rella" pumpkin

Shelling Beans
 We just finished shelling the pinto beans last night.  We still have MANY MANY more beans to do!

Jeremiah just rolled over this morning from tummy to back.  I think it was kind of a fluke, but maybe he's ready to roll?  He is now moved to the crib in Olue's pink room (poor guy).  Olue is sleeping in John's room in a big bed.  Me and Daddy like having our own room back and the peace and quiet it brings...That monitor is so easy to shut off!:)  Jeremiah seems to be sleeping better too.  I think the crib is a lot more comfortable than the pack and play and we aren't waking him up all the time (when we go to bed and when Josh gets up for work).

Jeremiah loves to smile and laugh.  He likes when the kids play with him.  He's starting to grab toys if they stay next to him long enough (his older siblings seem to steel the ones I put in front of him.)  His favorite word is "Agoo", just like Johnny as a baby and he loves to hear his name.  We sing "Jeremiah" to him in all kinds of tunes.  We also call him "Jerry" and "Minah".

Olue is getting to be such a big girl.  She loves helping (sometimes too much).  She puts laundry away in the basket for me and she throws diapers or anything else that needs to be thrown in the garbage.  We found a dolly that I used to play with when we were at Mom and Dad's one weekend.  She is now inseparable with it.  She carries it around all over.  She nurses it, wipes it clean with baby wipes, puts it in the bumbo and bouncy seat, and puts it down for nap time.  It even has it's own pillow on her bed and sleeps next to her.  It's pretty cute!  Her favorite book is Cinderella.  She calls her Rella and wants everything to do with "Rella".  She loves getting dressed on Sundays, because she gets to wear a pretty dress like Rella.

Johnny is my big boy!  We do art projects together almost everyday.  He's learning his colors really well and he can count up to 12 or more (depending on the day:).  He helps me with a lot of things!  He likes to get eggs...if their's no hens in the box.  He knows what I'm asking him to do, even if it's a task he's never done before.  It's really helpful!   He loves to read books.  We always sit on the couch together while I feed Jeremiah and read books together.  He's really starting to get interested in school stuff.  Like what different letters are.  Sometimes when he draws he makes lists, scribbling in the lines on the paper, just like my lists look like.

We've had many nice fall days lately.  It's so nice to get outside and be able to bring Jeremiah out too (not having to wait for him to fall asleep to take the other two out to play).  We've gotten moisture too, so it's not dusty anymore, but not to much because it's not muddy either...Just right!:)

I better go...Jeremiah is squirming on my lap, grunting for food:).

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