Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cy's house

Can time go any faster?...
All Johnny talks about is going to Cy's house.  He wants to talk about it and pack for it and to go right now!
on the other hand...  Could time go a little slower?...
We have soup beans to pick, apples to press into cider, apple sauce to can, tomatoes to can!  And lots of other little things that need to be tended to.

Lu Lu went potty for the first time on the potty today.  I am pretty excited.  Yesterday I put her in panties for a few hours and she peed in them about 5-6 times before I gave up.  Today she went into the bathroom and pulled off her shorts.  I asked her if she had to go potty and she went in the toilet!  Yay!

Gotta go tend to that little stuff now

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