Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Busy Busy

We were at Mom and Dad's Thursday night, Friday and Saturday morning.  It was nice to visit with them.  We have been seeing them every couple of weeks this summer and it's been really nice!  Josh helped Dad with some haying and I got to grind some flour.  And we spent time together talking and playing with the kids.

We spent the rest of Saturday at Jake and Ruth's.  We tried to lay the kids down for an afternoon nap, but that didn't work to well...Addy had been crying off and on for a while before we heard pounding on  the door of the room where John and Olue should have been sleeping.  I went upstairs to check it out and it turns out the most recent crying was Lu.  She was hanging from the outside of the crib and John was pounding on the door to get our attention to help her.  A little while later, after we thought Addy had been sleeping, she started to cry again.  Jake went to get her.  Turns out when she was quiet, she wasn't sleeping...She was getting undressed.  (Sigh!;)-Hee Hee.  Oh well.  I guess they will all live without the nap for that day!

We all had a good time before and after that little naptime.  Here are some pics...
Susanna and Jeremiah

John, Jake, Oakey, Josh
 We decided to let the kids get some fresh air and play with Addy's t-ball set.  Turns out the "big boys" played more with the toys than the kids.  The girls were more interested in eating crab apples.
Stacie and Jeremiah

Johnny got his cast written on this weekend

Lu Lu

Johnny giving Lu a hug

PB & J for supper

Johnny's smile

Lots of signatures

All of the kids had doctors appointments on Monday.  Olue and Jeremiah had well check visits.  Olue has grown 3 inches since April.  She's finally onto the charts for her age.  She's 22 lbs and 7 oz and 31 1/4 inches tall.  Jeremiah is 23 inches long and 12 lbs and 1 oz.  They both cried for their shots, but we were out walking to Target in no time.  We met Josh and John there.  Then we had lunch at Pizza hut and were off to John's bone doctor.  His bone is healing well, but he'll have to be in this cast for another 2 weeks.  Then he'll get a short leg cast.  I just hope we never have a broken bone again.  This cast thing is getting old and I'm not even the one wearing it.  John gets around pretty good.  He is getting a blister on the top of his foot near his big toe from walking though.  He sometimes complains that his other leg hurts too.  I'm sure because he has to use it to swing around that big club on his other leg.  Sometimes I hear him say "Stupid cast" under his breath.:)  He's doing good though.  Really the only thing he can't do is get into his booster chair at the table.  He can get in and out of bed by himself and go potty by himself.  He can run pretty fast when he's chasing Lu Lu around the house:).  But he's a little slow when walking outside.  We put one of Josh's short socks over the cast, but the ground still must hurt his toes to walk on.

Olue is talking up a storm.  She is always telling me something.  I read them Cinderella before naptime today.  She kept pointing at Cinderella on the pages saying "Rella at, Rella at, Rella at."  Pretty Cute!

Jeremiah's getting big fast.  He loves playing with Johnny and Lu.  He's always really smiley right before he goes to bed at night.

Well now I can cross "blog post" off my list.  I have a pretty big list to get done before the weekend!  Better go while Jeremiah and Lu are sleeping.  It's hard to get them all to sleep at the same time, but Johnny's being pretty good right now.  TTFN

Cy's house

Can time go any faster?...
All Johnny talks about is going to Cy's house.  He wants to talk about it and pack for it and to go right now!
on the other hand...  Could time go a little slower?...
We have soup beans to pick, apples to press into cider, apple sauce to can, tomatoes to can!  And lots of other little things that need to be tended to.

Lu Lu went potty for the first time on the potty today.  I am pretty excited.  Yesterday I put her in panties for a few hours and she peed in them about 5-6 times before I gave up.  Today she went into the bathroom and pulled off her shorts.  I asked her if she had to go potty and she went in the toilet!  Yay!

Gotta go tend to that little stuff now

Sunday, August 26, 2012


A few friends and family have asked for recipes this summer.  I'm not sure who asked for which recipes, so I hope you find the one you wanted on here...

French Toast Bake

  • 12 pc Texas toast bread
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 c brown sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 1/2 c milk
  • cinnamon sugar mix for topping
  1. Melt butter.  Add brown sugar and cinnamon.  Mix and heat til well blended and dissolved.
  2. Pour into greased 9x13 pan (glass works best).
  3. Cover with 2 layers of bread-6 on top and 6 on bottom
  4. Beat eggs and milk
  5. pour over bread and cover all or it will get hard
  6. Cover with layer of cinnamon and sugar
  7. Cover and refrigerate overnight
  8. Bake uncovered at 350 for 35 minutes

Vanilla Muffins
  • 1 c sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 c flour
  • 2 tsp baking pwder
  • 1 c milk
  • 1/4 c melted butter
  • 2 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/8 tsp cinnamon & 1 1/2 tsp sugar - topping - sprinkle over top before baking

Cucumber salad
  • 1 c mayo
  • 1/4 c white sugar
  • 4 tsp distilled white vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp dried dill weed
  • 1/2 tsp seasoned salt
  • 4-8 cucumbers sliced (I'm lazy and don't peel them...but that's your preference)
Stir together the mayo, sugar, vinegar, dill, and salt.  Mix in cucs and toss to coat

Sunday, August 19, 2012

New Cast

Johnny got his cast on last Monday.  He wanted it red for Lightning McQueen.  He started to stand on it on Thursday and this morning he started to walk on it, clutching to furniture or our hand as he went.  Now he's fully walking on it without any help.  It is so good to see him moving around again with no pain.  We're hoping he can get the cast off in two weeks as the doctor predicted last week.  We're going in for another X-ray and doc visit tomorrow to see how it's healing.

John's cast

Jeremiah and Johnny

Thank you for the Teddy G-Gandma and Grandpa Hayes
Thanks for the puppy.  I named him "Bruty"!
Thank you to everyone who has sent Johnny get well gifts.  He and Lu have been enjoying them all!

We picked a lot of apples in Bismarck on Friday.  Josh has as much of the press ready as he can since the rest of it is still at Jake and Ruth's.  We're looking forward to making apple cider soon.  :)

Lu Lu is a cutie.  She talks a lot.  She says things like "Mommy at?...Johnny at?...Daddy at?...Minah at?", "Poop pants!", "Minah CRYin", "Mommy Read."

Jeremiah is smiling, laughing, and cooing.  It's so neat to watch them develop.  He loves playing with his brother and sister even though sometimes they bury him in stuffed animals or books (Lu) or blankets.  And sometimes they tip the stroller onto his bouncy seat (with him in it) or throw the ball over his bouncy seat so the dog tips his bouncy over...Saturday was a ruff day for Jeremiah, but he made it through with just a little red spot on his forehead and not too much crying.  He pretty much takes everything in stride.

We went "camping" Friday night.  We set up the tent in the pasture by the campfire pit and roasted hot-dogs and marshmallows before we went to bed in the tent.  Josh and I are still wondering if it was the best idea...Oh well.  I suppose our backs don't hurt too bad anymore.:)  The kids liked sleeping in the tent.  Lu slept so well that we had to wake her up so we could go to the house to make breakfast.  It was pretty cold, so Jeremiah slept on my chest most of the night.  Our air mattress was pretty flat, so Josh got a back ache, and Johnny had to go potty as soon as it started to get light out.  I'm just glad the tent was set up in our yard and not at a campground some place.  I think we had enough camping for this year.:)  Maybe we'll try the campground next year.


Sleeping in the tent

Johnny driving Mater

Lu Lu in the swing
Johnny walking on his cast

That's what's been going on here.  You can check out our CSA blog too at

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Jeremiah's Baptism

So it's been about a month since I last posted...Ooops!  It's been pretty crazy around here with lots of work in the gardens, canning, freezing, Jeremiah's baptism, apple picking at Mom and Dad's, Hanson family reunion in Valley City, John breaking his shin bone at Jake and Ruth's...

We finally finished making apple sauce out of those apples we got from Mom and Dad....40+ quarts.  We made some juice out of plums from Jake and Ruth and chokecherries from Sweet Briar.  We now have an apple press and after counting our empty quart jars, Josh is wishing we hadn't made so much chokecherry juice.

Jeremiah is growing so fast.  He his smiling and cooing now.  He's so cute!

I put more garden pics on the CSA blog.

Here are my pictures from the last month....
Lu and John in the popcorn


green beans and cabbage

looking at onion flowers

Lu Lu in the edemame with Yellow the kitty



Lu Lu


Johnny with now smiles


Minah (as Lu Lu calls him)
 Jeremiah's Baptism...
He woke up and started to cry when Father poured the holy water over his head and continued to cry through the rest of the baptism and pictures until we got home and he was fed.
Jeremiah's Baptism Cake

Lu Lu, Addy, and Johnny in the wagon

Thomas, Johnny and Roger watching the root beer brew

brewing root beer...Thanks Katie for the dry ice

Grandpa and Grandma Loegering with all the grandkids:  Olue, Susanna, John, Jeremiah, Adelaide

Jeremiah's Baptism

typical Lu Lu

Jeremiah and his Godparents, Thomas and Katie

Jeremiah and his grandparents:  Judy and Bill, Josh and Christine, Mary, Sue and Roger

Grandma Fischer

Thomas and Lu Lu
 Campfire after the baptism.  We made frog bellies (sweet dough fried in oil and covered in cinnamon and sugar).

Looks like Addy likes them!
 Grandma and Grandpa Hanson's

Johnny riding with Grandpa on the tractor
 Josh picked apples in the loader bucket.  We got 5 paper bags, making 40+ quarts of sauce (we had eaten a few quarts by the time we were finished making it).

Hanson Reunion
Barb, Connie, Tom, Kathy, Jane, Leon, Bill (Dad)
 Johnny's broken leg...
John jumped off a little tikes slide at Jake and Ruth's last Saturday.  On the third jump he landed just right to break his shin bone.  The ironic part was that he had been playing, falling and jumping off the big playground all day at the family reunion.  He had it ruff right away with pain and allergy to the codeine.  He's getting his permanent cast tomorrow and he's doing fairly well scooting around on his butt.
Sad Johnny and happy Lu Lu...She wanted a pillow for her legs too.

Johnny, Jeremiah, and Lu Lu ready for bed

My little boys

Daddy reading bed time stories

Johhny and Minah


Jeremiah...He was done smiling by the time I got the camera out.

Josh and Lu in the rain
We went out to pick cucs and beans and got a tiny rainstorm come through before we were done.  It was crazy.  We (all except Jeremiah) were all soaked by the time we got to the house.

We got 1 1/4 inches of rain yesterday.  The gardens are going to love it!