Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekend Company

Roger and Sue and Tolya, Vika, Kiril, and Josiah came to spend the weekend.  They came Thursday night and stayed til Sunday.  We had a great time with them.  They helped us out a lot.  The weather was beautiful and we spent every minute we could outside.  We even ate lunch and supper outside on Saturday.  They helped us get done about as much work as me a Josh could do in about 3 weekends, and we even had time to play and relax.  It was really nice!!!

We got the swing put up just before Roger and Sue came.  It was a favorite of John and Lu throughout the weekend.  They fought over whose turn it was.  Ahhh....sibling rivalry.  I told Josh we'll have to get a swing set this or next summer.

We went to the playground on Friday morning while Josh and Roger went to Bismarck to pick up some supplies for the weekend projects.  All the kids had a great time!  (No fighting over the swing set there:).
Grandpa and Lu Lu reading story books.
Lu Lu in front of the Strawberry plot.  We pulled back the straw on the row this weekend.
Strawberries growing new leaves.
Rows for sweet corn this year and raspberries next year.  Josh till them up and Roger dug out the center sod that the tiller had missed.
Summer time Chicken pen. Josh and Roger pounded in these posts. We plan to make this into a pen for the laying hens this summer. Hopefully it'll give them some better grass and they'll be our little tillers. We plan to plant asparagus here next spring.

Paddock. We pulled all the fence out a while back.

Vika and Johnny mulching the flowerbeds.

Grandpa and Lu Lu going for a 4-wheeler ride.

Playing in the sandbox.

Roger and Josh fixing Grandma Loegering's old ladder.  I plan to repaint it and use it as decoration in the flowerbeds with flowers climbing on it.
Roger and Josh in house garden

Josh and Roger bent these metal pipes.  We will use them as frames for row covers for the veggies to plant earlier and protect them from insects.  It was really nice to use Roger's pipe bender and have the help.

My chives are already up!

Lu Lu playing behind the house
Josh uncovered the rhubarb plants.

Rhubarb popping up.

Playing baseball.

Johnny and Kiril playing in the sandbox.

Relaxing in the little shade of the yard (the trees aren't leafed out yet).  I think Josh and Roger fell asleep for a while.

Johnny wearing Cy's hat.

Johnny and Cy looking at a butterfly.  This butterfly loved flying around Johnny.  It landed on Johnny's shirt and hands numerous time.  It landed on Cy's hat too.
 We had a campfire on Saturday night.  It was really nice to be outside so much this weekend.  We were all a little pink by Saturday evening.  Both John and Olue didn't get their normal sleep this weekend with all the excitement.  So we all took a long nap on Sunday afternoon.
We're looking forward to Easter and the end of Lent!!!  Happy Palm Sunday!!

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