Monday, March 12, 2012

Thomas' Bachelor Party

Josh went to Fargo to Thomas' Bachelor Party on Friday and came home Saturday night (in a pretty bad snow storm).  I was happy to have him back home safe and sound.  His overnighter away was good prep for his trip to Kansas and Conference in Fargo.  It's been quite a long time since he has been gone overnight.  Me and the kids had a fun weekend together and Josh had fun too, although he was pretty soar from the hockey game they played.:)
Going sledding

Johnny's little snowman
 The snow was just sticky enough to make little snowballs, so we made snowmen to kick over.
Kicking the Baby Snowman

Johnny then wanted me to make a family (Mommy, Daddy, and Baby) of Snowmen
 Johnny's at the age were he wants to know how everything is in relation to one another and he only knows the family unit.  So to him everything has a Mommy, Daddy, and one or more babies.  It's pretty cute when we talk about it.  He especially wants to know who is the Mommy and Daddy when we watch animal shows (Nature/March of the Penguins) and read animal books.
Kicking the family over.

Lu Lu watching Johnny from the sled

Johnny pulling Lu Lu in the sled

Johnny pulling Lu Lu and Mommy in the sled.  It was hard work and he could only go downhill with Mommy pushing along the ground...Fun!

Lu Lu in her Sunday best

Playing with the soccer ball

Mommy & Lu
Finishing Supper

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