Thursday, February 16, 2012


We got two flats of floweres planted this weekend and they're already starting to come up.  It's exciting starting new plants again, but I'm already tired of the flouresent glow in the dining room:).  We also made some soap.  We hope this is another step to being more self reliant.  Josh was a great help (aka.  he kinda took over the project:).  He seemed to really enjoy it.  Now we have to let it dry and the lye to work out.  When it's ready we'll "handmill" it.  Remelt it with water and add additives to make specialty soaps.  Josh found a recipe for a woodsman soap.  It said that if used over a period of time, it may protect against mosquitos...I like that idea!  I also found a recipe for dish washing liquid, but we have to make a different basic soap, one made out of olive oil and lye rather than lard and lye.  I think this will be fun to experiment with!

We went to the nursing home again on Sunday.  It was fun.  The old people have a lot of fun with John and Lu.  Johnny is so good with them.  When we left he gave everybody at our table a hug.  He was kinda scared, but we could tell it made their day!  He says he wants to go back again, so I think he liket it too.

Josh's tooth, the front one that he had a root canal on last year, has been bothering him lately.  He went again to the endodontist, who had him schedule a surgery to remove a cyst that had grown in his jawbone.  Josh had been warned that this might be the case, since he had waited too long to have the root canal done in the first place.  Well, his mouth was really bothering him last weekend, so he rescheduled the surgery for Tuesday morning.  It went really well and he's happpy that it's done.  He still has some swelling, but it's going down.  Last night he slept on his side...bad idea.  He woke up this morning with a black eye.  I think the blood just settled on the lowest part of his face.  Brusing on the face weas a possibility.

Josh got a rose from the dentist and gave it to me.  I was pretty excited that I got a Valentine flower and even more excited that he didn't have to spend any more money that day...that surgery definately wasn't in our budget for this month or this year.

Not long after Josh got home from his surgery, we had to load up in the van and go back to Bismarck for my ultrasound.  John hadn't taken a nap in the excitement of Daddy coming home right before naptime, so he crashed in the car and the way to and from Bismarck.  It was really fun to see the baby.  It's amazing what experience will do.  I remember seeing John's first ultrasound and barely being able to pick out his face, let alone different parts of his body like arms and legs in the black and white ultrasound monitor.  Now after seeing nearly 20 ultrasounds, it's easy to pick out the baby in their little water home surrounded by Mommy and placenta.  Everything looks great on the ultrasound testing.  The baby is measuring at the right size.  By this point, both John and Olue were about a week too big, so hopefully this baby will follow that smaller size!  My pregnancy has been going very well.  I have been having very good blood sugar control in the hopes that we won't have to have another NICU baby.

Here are some pictures of the "Baby in Mommy's belly" (as John would say:)...

Last night we had our Valentine Supper at the church.  It was really nice and I think the high school kids had a good time putting it on even though they complained about having to do dishes;).  Josh only worked a half day, so it was nice that I didn't have to bring them with in the afternoon when I left early to get things really.  They had already spent all morning with me at the church, and even though they had been really good then I think it was time for them to have at home time.:)  I always enjoy sitting with Josh at the Valentine Supper and having some nice "alone" time with all the candles, isicle lights and decorations.  It's a lot of fun.  John and Olue did really well in the babysitting room.  In fact, all the kids did.  When we went to go pick up John and Lu, there were about 15 kids in the room quietly coloring and eating a snack.  It was amazing how good they all were!

The John and Lu have been playing peek a boo in their kitchen coupboard lately.  Lu Lu especially thinks it's fun to go inside and hide with the dooor closed.  She sat down on the edge the other day.  She just sat down and looked up at us, kicking her feet.  It was so cute!  I said, "Josh, quick get the camera."  Of course by the time I had even started to say it, she was already moving on to something else.  We tried to get her to sit back down.  Johnny even tried to help by sitting next to her, but it didn't work...

Lu Lu love to hug everything!  It's pretty cute to see her hug stuffed animals, kitties, and Cedar.  It's pretty funny to see her hug other toys like this orange ring, or Johnny's cars and trucks.:)

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