Tuesday, March 8, 2011

North Dakota? 3rd happiest state in the Union!

The top 10 states and their average well-being (Happy) scores (out of a possible 100 points) according to Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index :
1.     Hawaii: 71.0
2.     Wyoming: 69.2
3.     North Dakota: 68.4
4.     Alaska: 68.3
5.     Colorado: 68.0
6.     Minnesota: 68.0
7.     South Dakota: 68.0
8.     Utah: 67.9
9.     Connecticut: 67.9
10.  Nebraska: 67.8
11.  Massachusetts: 67.8

I guess living in North Dakota isn't so bad after all!  Honestly, it is a pretty awesome place to live.

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