Saturday, March 26, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Loegering's

On Thursday we came to Grandma and Grandpa Loegering's for the weekend.  We've been having lots of fun!
 Lu Lu is happy to see Grandma!
 John and Cy playin' piano


Last week we had another winter storm.  Josh came home from work early on Tuesday and stayed home all Wednesday...Pictures to come later.:)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Go Go Go!

Here's a new way to wear pajama pants.

Beautiful Sunset

Another reason the move "Out West"

Surprise Visit

Kathy and Jim stopped by this afternoon.  They are in Mandan visiting Brenda and Shane this week, so they came out to see our place and the kids.  It was nice to see them!  Johnny was enthralled with Uncle Jim's collapsible cane. :)

Big Helper

John likes to be a big helper.  He's always following me around when I'm cleaning.  He has to have his own rag and likes to dust and mop the floor.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

More from Lu Lu's baptism

Grandma and Lu Lu are sooo cute!

Josh and Addy
Roger, Thomas, Katie, Stacie, Jared, Grandpa Ron, John, Addy, Josh

John, Josh, Addy, Tolya, Roger, Jake, Judy, Bill

Why am I wearing this?

Lu Lu's such a cutie!

Grandma and Grandpa with the 3 Grandkids
Four Generations

Great Grandma and Grandpa with Addy, John and Lu.

Blessing Olue Elizabeth

Holy Water over Olue, she didn't even wake up.

Godparents Katie and Jared, Fr. Roche, Mom and Dad, and Olue with soul all white and clean

Our Family with Grandma and Grandpa Hanson

Our Family with Grandma and Grandpa Loegering

Mom and Lu

Cousins!  Addy, John and Olue

The whole Loegering Family
Kristina, Vika, Kirill, John, Christine, Josh, Tolya, Jared, Katie, Josia, Ruth, Jake
Sue, Addy, Roger, Olue

John on our new 4-wheeler.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Olue's Baptism Weekend

Grandpa and Johnny takin' a nap.
Great Grandma got Lu Lu to fall asleep for a good nap.
Lu Lu likes sittin' on Great Grandpa's lap.
Blizzard on Friday!  We couldn't see our white picket fence from the living room window.  Sometimes we couldn't even see the wishing well.  CRAZY!  Both Interstates were closed Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon.
Grandma and Grandpa....Ahh! Aren't they cute at that age?
Grandpa and Lu Lu

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kristina's Visit

Kristina has been here since last Friday and we are having a lot of fun.  She's been a BIG help getting ready for Olue's baptism and we've been playing lots of card games together when Josh is home.  We had tacos for supper last night.  I love tacos, but Josh doesn't so I only make them when Kristina's here.  I was pretty excited.  Josh tried them and said they were even okay!  This morning we did a bunch of cooking/cleaning.  This afternoon we plan to work on our sewing projects while watching scrapbooking and quilting shows on PBS.  Kristina is making a quilt for Olue and I'm making her an Easter dress.  Josh said we better be ready to have FUN tonight for Fat Tuesday.  Tomorrow we are going to Bismarck for Olue's 2 month appointment an some shopping...Fun!

North Dakota? 3rd happiest state in the Union!

The top 10 states and their average well-being (Happy) scores (out of a possible 100 points) according to Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index :
1.     Hawaii: 71.0
2.     Wyoming: 69.2
3.     North Dakota: 68.4
4.     Alaska: 68.3
5.     Colorado: 68.0
6.     Minnesota: 68.0
7.     South Dakota: 68.0
8.     Utah: 67.9
9.     Connecticut: 67.9
10.  Nebraska: 67.8
11.  Massachusetts: 67.8

I guess living in North Dakota isn't so bad after all!  Honestly, it is a pretty awesome place to live.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Johnny Dancing & Lu Lu Swinging

Johnny loves to dance especially to Bluegrass music.  Lu Lu loves to swing, except when she's hungry.

Starting Seeds

 One at a time Johnny!
"These ones already have dirt in them!"
I'm helping Daddy!
Josh planted our peppers and cabbage on Saturday.  Johnny always wants to help.  He got to hand Daddy the pots while Daddy filled them up with potting soil.

Lu Lu

 Mom, do you know who made this sweater?  I found it in a box of clothes from you.  I think it's really cute!
Daddy and Lu Lu, both in green!
I love Grandma!
Kristina came on Friday to spend the week with us.  We're happy to have her here.  We hope to do some sewing together and just hang out and have fun!

Johnny's Puzzle Train

Josh set John down at Gambles and he disappeared into the toy isle.  They came back with the puzzle train to bring home.:)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Josh's Trophy Wall

Josh finally finished his trophy wall.  I found the pheasant in the ditch one day on the way to work at the church.  Josh picked it up and mounted it right before Olue was born.  Here are memories of the antlers from left to right:
1.  I shot this buck in Mom and Dad's pasture in 2007.  He would have run a long ways but the fence stopped him as he bent the fence post to the ground.
2.  I shot this buck just behind the chicken coop at Mom and Dad's in 2010.  He stepped out of the trees broadside and waited for me to drop him.
3.  Josh shot this big boy out West in 2009.  His biggest one yet.
4.  Josh shot this buck with his bow in 2008 just a few miles west of our house.  I found the arrow, and a few bloodspots, but we didn't find the buck in the corn field til the following spring, when the farmer plowed the field.
5.  Josh shot this buck with his bow in Minnesota in 2002.
6.  Josh's first deer he got with his bow in Minnesota in 2000.
We look forward to adding many more hunting memories to the wall in the future!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fun with Playdough

 Playdough keeps me out of trouble!

Thanks Grandma L for the Valentine's Playdough!  Love, Johnny

Sledding with the Hansons

 Johnny sledding all by himself!
 Daddy and Johnny going down the big hill
 Mommy and Daddy wipng out!
 Getting ready for the big drop!
 Even Grandma went down the little hill!  Watch out Johnny!
I can do this all by myself!

We had a blast sledding even though it was a little chilly. 


The weather finally warmed up and we had a great time playing outside building (and tackling) a snowman!