Monday, April 7, 2014

March-April new pictures

Here's some more pictures.  Maybe now I'll be up to date before the baby comes on Thursday.:)
After supper entertainment...
Yes, he's upsidedown

Johnny's hurt finger.  He pinched it in Lu's bedroom door.  It was pretty nasty.  Josh came home from work to take him to the doctor.  They sterry stripped it up and it healed really well.

Last time in the crib

Escaping from the crib.  We moved the crib into our bedroom for the new baby and Jerry is sleeping with John in the fullsized bed in the boys room.  They are pretty cute in there together.

My three cuties
 Weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's Farm
When we pulled into the driveway, Jerry was saying, "Granpa, Granpa."  Lu Lu said, "Where's the mud?"  We finally found some puddles down by the truck garage by accident before I had the camera here.  John and Lu really loved it.  Johnny especially got pretty dirty.:)

Seeing the new baby calves

Playing with the baby kitties

 As you could see in the last pictures, we had no snow and it was completely dry.  Then, a day early for April Fools we got a big blizzard with 14.5 inches of snow.  There was a lot of snow out there.  The kids had fun, but they are happy that it's almost gone again.

The kiddos all climbed into the toy box and asked me to take a picture of them.
 Susanna's birthday
We spent the last weekend heading out to Jake and Ruth's for family fun and Susanna's birthday party.  We had a lot of fun.  Here's some pictures of the boys little and big playing outside.

 Sunday fishing trip.  Josh wanted to try his hand at some fishing in Valley.  He bought some minnows and we all went along.  We stopped at two different spots on the river, but he didn't catch anything.  We had a lot of fun anyway.  It was such a beautiful day!

Torturing Minnows

Here comes a train.  We tried to pose for it, but the minnows and actually seeing the train go by was much more interesting than taking a cool pic.:)  The train engineer honked at us...Pretty cool.

Jerry finally got to play in the water.  He was playing with Grandma and looking at the cows when me and John and Lu had discovered the puddles at the farm.

Well.  I think we're pretty much ready for the baby to come now.  Just waiting for the big day.  Lu Lu is convinced it's a girl and Josh is pretty sure it's a boy.  I guess we'll find out who's right in a couple of days.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Feb-March Pictures

I suppose I should get up-to-date on my pictures posting before baby comes next week, otherwise it'll never happen.  The count down to baby is on. All those loaves of bread I wanted to bake in my last post are in the freezer now.:)  I just have cleaning and some muffin making to do now.  And let me tell you the house needs cleaning....I got a little behind on my weekly cleaning while I was doing all that baking.;)  Anyway...Here's some pics

Playing in the backyard in the sticky snow...

Lu Cedar and John

John and his snowman he made all by himself

I thought this one looked cool with Cedar

Jerry likes to get upclose to the camera

Lu Lu driving the John Deere gator

Johnny added a hat thing to his snowman
 Hannah's baptism weekend
Lu Lu and Addy listen to Aunt Vika read storiues

Jerry sitting with Katie...It took awhile to get a good pic:)

Addy finally joined in
Godparents Jake and Ruth with Hannah, Katie, and Thomas
 I have more pics to share but Jerry just started crying in his bed.  Better go.