Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Johnny & Jerry and Congrats Jared & Stacie

It's been a busy week here.  Jared & Stacie got married, Johnny turned 4 and Jeremiah turned 1.  Here's some pics to tell the story
birthday cake

Addy, Johnny & Lu Lu

Susanna and Kristina

Ellie and Lu Lu

The babes

Lu Lu playing with Grandpa

Johnny opening presents

Jeremiah got to open one too

Reading a card

more presents


Grandma, Jerry, and Susanna

Lifeguard on Duty

Johnny's Pool Party for his birthday

Playing outside


"I don't think so, Kristina!"


Lu Lu helping Susanna

Me and Lu

Me and the girls

John and Lu and me

Family pic

waiting for family photos

Look Out

Jerry and Thomas

Josh and Randa
The cute flower girls...Maria and Lu Lu

Jared & Stacie

Waiting for the dance to start

Addy, Lu Lu, and Maria

Johnny and Levi

Grandma and Grandpa

Silly girl

Thank you Great Grandma and Grandpa...He loves it!

Thanks Great Grandma and Grandpa!  She was so happy not to be left out of the birthday presents!

watching a movie together

Jeremiah's cake

Ready to get started.  You will see the progression of mess.  He's the messiest first birthday cake eaters of our kids.  He ended with a bath before opening presents

Johnny cleaning up Jerry's mess (he dumped his bowl on the floor too).  Josh had to spray the high chair off with the hose outside.

Opening presents

Thanks great Grandma and Grandpa!

Playing baseball outside today



Lu Lu


Lu Lu


Cedar and Jerry

Lu Lu with a pansy

Johnny and the pansies

Lu Lu watching the laying hens

Okay...It's 10:30.  I better go to bed.  I think Josh is already there...probably sleeping.